December 16, 2014 — Bail authorized for Jones brothers

Accused murderers Matthew (Skip) and Paul Jones were given bail by 27th Circuit Court Chief Judge Anthony A. Monton. Brothers Matt and Paul are accused of the 1989 murder of Shannon Marie Siders. According to the court, “Paul Jones was given $750,000.00 bond and Matthew Jones was given $500,000.00 bond.” Both bonds are cash or surety; that means that if the bail bonds are sought 25 percent must be plunked down.

Court was in session yesterday afternoon for Judge Monton to hear oral arguments on a 404B hearing, an application by the prosecution to allow behavior by the brothers that is not directly related to the case into the trial for consideration. This would fall under an exception to the prohibition of admitting other bad acts. Bob Siders said the judge heard arguments and said he will rule on the issues.

The next scheduled hearing will be the final pretrial on April 6, 2015 at 2 p.m. The trial is scheduled to begin April 20.


  1. A concerned Newaygo resident, December 19, 2014:

    I’m quite convinced that they did this horrible murder. Why for the judge allow bail?? If they truly did it they would just run. They need to keep these 2 horrible people behind bars. Shannon and her family deserve justice. These 2 men deserve to rot in jail if they truly killed Shannon

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