January 9, 2015 — The preliminary hearing set for the 16th…

…of Aurelias Marshall in the beating death of Joel Battaglia might begin at 8:30 a.m. next Friday. That, according to Kent County facilities management. It had been set for 1:30 p.m., but that has been changed. I will call again on the 15th to make sure; there are likely many changes that must be made to accommodate the time required for a preliminary hearing. And I have no idea if that can happen all in one day or whether it well take several days (and into the following week). We’ll just have to see.

As well, I called the Newaygo County Jail this week to see if either of the brothers’ Jones–Matthew or Paul–had bonded out. Nope. they remain incarcerated on $750,000 cash or surety for Paul and $500,000 cash or surety for Matthew (Skip).

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