May 12, 2019 — A look at the house

This past week I had business in Charlotte, the scene of the 2002 murder of Roberto Higüey Alejandro Caraballo, 37. Before he was identified Caraballo had been dubbed “Jack in the Box,” by Ottawa County Sheriff Department investigator Detective Bob Donker (retired) for the manner in which he was found…his corpse burned beyond recognition and identification in a footlocker that had been carried (not dragged) into a wood near a blueberry field south of Grand Haven. I looked for the address of what Eaton County investigators have identified as the scene of his murder, 334 Horatio. Investigators found evidence that indicates that he was assaulted in the basement here.


  1. KR Sheets, February 22, 2021:

    What is the progress on this case? There seems to be no new news regarding the extradition of Beverly McCallum. I became personally acquainted with Dineane Ducharme during her time in Galveston and she is a sociopath and drug addict said once “I think my mother killed her husband”.

  2. David, February 24, 2021:

    Dear KR: I contacted the Eaton County Sheriff’s office last week and so far there is NOTHING happening…and that right fast. Beverly is still in Rome and still locked up. I understand any appeals for extradition have run, but she still is NOT HERE.

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